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Opportunities for Parental Involvement

Parents/Guardians have been a part of the creation of EnCompass Academy from its initial design and planning stages. Families have many formal and informal opportunities to work in partnership with the school. Pending COVID-19 restrictions, we encourage participation in opportunities via Zoom our in-person such as:

  • Back In School Night and Title I Meeting: We get down to the business of learning about the year’s school-wide focus and current achievements and go to the classroom to learn the essential standards for the grade. Family members get to know the classroom, the teacher, and their child better.
  • Reading Parade and Rally, Fall Jam: We celebrate reading with a parade, chants, cheers, special guests, skits, games, and lots of fun to emphasize a reading culture. Students get down with teachers and staff, family members, and school friends in our amphitheater to a groovy mix of reading-related music from our communities.
  • School Site Governance Council & SELLS: This diverse body meets monthly to review the Community Schools Strategic Site Plan and monitor its implementation.
  • Workshops and presentations: Our past topics have ranged from Success Starts in K, Family Literacy Events, Childhood Stress, and Child Development are some examples of how we provide opportunities for family members to learn ways to support their child. Our Parent Cafe Series builds protective factors in families through Parent Resilience, Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development, Social and Emotional Competence of Children, and Social Connections, providing concrete support in times of need.
  • Principal-Parent Chats: Monthly chats provide a space for open sharing and mutual learning about school-related topics of interest to parents/guardians.
  • Midterm Progress Conferences: Family members meet with teachers in mandatory conferences at least twice per year to discuss their child's progress toward meeting grade-level standards and for students to present goals to families. Progress Report/standards-based report cards, teacher comments, student work samples, and intervention plans (as appropriate) are shared.
  • “100 Days-100 Dollars” Kindergarten to College Oakland Promise Event: K-2 students and families work to celebrate the first 100 days of school, launching a campaign to help family members sign up to receive $100 from the Oakland Promise 529 college savings account as a way to show the city, school district, and the school’s investment in our scholar's ability to complete college.
  • Showcase of Student Learning (Spring): This celebration of student learning provides authentic ways for students to demonstrate their growth to the community. Family members also take this opportunity to see what will be expected of their child in other grades. Families may also see art performances by students related to their content studies.
  • Wellness Events: Students and Family members participate in educational and fun stations to highlight the ways they can live a healthy and fit life, get a free water bottle, and hydrate regularly at our Hydration Stations. We provide fresh fruit-infused water on Wellness Wednesdays (we will not be able to do this due to COVID-19 restrictions this year).
  • Family Fun Fitness Field Day and Spring Jam: Family members help put on and are invited to participate in this day of Field games with our students. Participation and fun, rather than competition, are emphasized. This event seeks to model for students and families cost-effective and active ways to have fun together while sending a message to children that maintaining fitness is a practice to value in their lives. A Family Dance and BBQ in our beautiful amphitheater help us build a joyful community. Community Meetings: Family members have monthly opportunities to share in the joy of our community when the whole student body gathers in this special EnCompass Academy ritual. Students and staff look forward to coming together to sing, perform, learn, share, and practice important social skills for self-conduct in public arenas.
  • Step Up Day (Spring): Family members help recognize all students’ efforts throughout the year at our year’s end celebration.

Please contact the main office to learn about opportunities for you to become involved in your child's education: Community School Manager Mr. Raul Alcantar, Student-Family Connections Coordinator Amelia Rico, Office Manager Dana Turner, or Principal Minh-Tram Nguyen at (510) 879-2181.